Glass tiles

For the production of glass tiles in the interior, we use tempered glass 5 - 8 mm thick as standard, depending on the purpose of use. The undeniable advantage of the material is its sleek appearance, durability and easy maintenance. We glue the facing glass to the levelled substrates, the installation of the base grate compensates for any unevenness. The possibilities of printing are almost unlimited (photo reproduction, vector graphics). Satinato, bronze, dark grey or almost any colour shade can be used. The anchorage is hidden by a white base layer.
In exceptional cases, we offer custom processing of the tiling motif by top designers, with a further option of being hand painted.

Construction elements

All additional constructions are made of AISI 316L steel or aluminum with a natural anodized finish.

Suitable use

- apartment interiors
- office space, public buildings, institutions
- swimming pools, aquaparks, wellness and fitness centres, rehabilitation, massage parlours, solariums
- restaurants, hotels

...all spaces where customers require sharp design, individual solutions, operational durability.
